2A goes international! 

Im Herbst dieses Schuljahres haben wir – die 2A – uns entschlossen, unsere bisher gewonnenen Englischkenntnisse auch außerhalb der Schule anzuwenden und uns daher auf die Suche nach Brieffreundschaften gemacht. Mit Cambridge English Penfriends haben wir dann auch bald Partnerschulen in Italien und der Schweiz gefunden, mit denen wir jetzt regelmäßig Briefe austauschen. In unseren Briefen haben wir bisher unter anderem über unsere Familien und Freunde, unsere Schule, unsere Ferienerlebnisse bzw. Pläne für die Ferien oder unsere Essgewohnheiten geschrieben.

Hier ein paar Eindrücke von uns:

My penpal’s name is Martino. He is 12 years old and lives in a flat in a small city in northern Italy. Martino has some pets and loves playing football. I think writing to another person in English is great because so I can use new vocabulary in real-life situation. (Oliver G.)

My penpal´s name is Niccolo and lives in Belluno. Niccolo goes to a school called Insituto Agosti in Italy. He has got a brother named Matheo. His hobbies are playing football and video games. Niccolo also plays in a football team in Belluno. His favourite school subjects are English and Physical Education. I think writing to another person in English is great, because I learn a lot from it. (Yara S.)

My penpal’s name is Pietro. He is 12 years old and he lives in Belluno. Pietro goes to a school called Istituto Agosti in Italy. His favourite food is pizza because it is very good. He eats it every Friday. There are 21 children in his class. He likes his classes because they have a lot of fun. I think it’s good that I have a penpal in English because I can learn a lot about him. (Natalie R.)

My penpal’s name is Martina. She lives in Longarone and is 12 years old. Martina goes to a school called Salesian Instituto Agosti in Belluno (Italy). I know a lot of her, because we write long letters. We both live in big houses with gardens, and we both like acrobatic gymnastics. Her favourite subject is English. I like writing to her, because we have a lot of things in common, and we want to meet each other in Italy in the summer holidays. I think writing to another person in English is great, because I’m getting better at writing in English. (Jana E.)